Around the Village - Wildflowers around Southwater

Bluebells - Almost half of the world’s Bluebells are found in Britain.

Bluebells - Almost half of the world’s Bluebells are found in Britain.

The Southwater Horticultural Society bring us an informative guide of the wildflowers we can see around our village.

This seems to be a good time to have a look at some of our wildflowers.  Many of our garden blooms have been developed from their wild parents, so you can pick up some clues as to what will grow best in your local gardens.

For those of you who are able to go out for a daily exercise – have a look and see just how many you can find.  If you can’t leave home, see what is popping up in your lawns and borders – you may be surprised!  If you don’t know which plant is which, try taking a picture and looking it up, or install one of the plant recognition apps on your phone.

Here are just a few of the flowers you can see at the moment and there are many, many more.  Please don’t be tempted to pick them though – some are poisonous or have irritant sap.


Top row (Left to right)

Arum (Lords and Ladies), Bluebells, Celandine, Dog’s Mercury

Second row (left to right)

Ground Ivy, Herb Robert, Hedge Garlic, Red Dead Nettle

Third row (left to right)

Stitchwort, Wild Garlic, Alkanet, Ajuga

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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