Southwater Parish Church

Southwater Parish Church is a welcoming Anglican Church in the Diocese of Chichester. It offers space and companionship to all those in the local community who seek the love of God. To provide a wider choice of Styles of Worship, we alternate between a traditional Holy Communion Service which follows the Common Worship book, and a more relaxed Family Worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

The Holy Innocents Church is a lovely example of a Victorian Church. It is a Grade 2 listed building and is in regular use. Our stained-glass windows are varied and reflect the history of the church in Southwater. Our Church building history;

1848 Decision to build

1850 Consecration of the Church

1864 Organ installed

1866 Additional building works

1888 Heating installed

1900 Improvement to heating

1909 Vestry Added

1945 Bomb brought ceilings down

1968 2nd Organ installed

1983 Belfry Repaired

2012 New Heating installed

Vicar: Revd Godfrey Kesari 

Godfrey has been vicar at Southwater Parish Church since 2010. His was previously Assistant Curate at Priory Church of St Mary, Bridlington. Godfrey wants to make the church relevant for people today and share God’s message of love and hope with all. A committed family man, Godfrey enjoys reading, reflecting, walking and chatting with friends. He and his wife Pradhma have two children. 


Churchwarden: Derek Moore

Churchwarden: Julie Fowler

Church Treasurer: Ingrid Sumner

Church Secretary:  Simon Short


10.00am Main Sunday Service

12:00pm Baptism of Children (3rd and 5th Sundays only)

Our main Sunday morning service is at 10.00am. It is a different service every week, using a variety of worship and musical styles, Baptisms normally take place at a short, simple service following the main act of worship once or twice per month. Coffee, juice and biscuits are served after the 10.00am service so that there is an opportunity to meet people informally to get to know them.

Every Wednesday

10.30 am Holy Communion

1.45pm Tinies, Toddlers and Teddies (term time only)

For those who can’t manage Sundays, there is a Communion service in the morning, followed by coffee every week. In the afternoon (during term time only) there is an informal service aimed at all youngsters from bump to pre-school children and their parents or carers, with songs, arts and crafts, interactive story-telling and much more, followed by refreshments. It’s a great way to meet other Parents and Carers, all whilst having fun!

Church Activities - during the week

  • Prayer Groups and House groups in the day and evening

  • Alpha Courses to explore the meaning of life and faith

  • Various Singing and musicians groups

If you want to know any more about these or other activities, want to enquire about a baptism or a wedding, then please speak to one of the church wardens after any of our Sunday or midweek services.

Visit the Parish Church website