Horticultural Society - A Summary of the Chairman’s Remarks 2020

It has been a very strange year this year!

We managed to hold our AGM last November (2019) but very little happened after that. Or did it!

The Photography exhibits for the Spring Show were collected and judged before lockdown and an exhibition of the photographs, which was shown on the Horticultural Society Facebook page.

The Infant Academy had also prepared a number of exhibits for the Spring Show before lockdown and so we decided to judge them.

They were also shown on our Facebook page and put on the Infant Academy’s Facebook and website pages. Both exhibitions were also added to this website, for which much thanks!

Then lockdown happened.

At the 2019 AGM, following a successful and profitable year, we offered our members free entry into all our 2020 shows as a thank you for much appreciated support. We were unable to deliver this promise in 2020 so will carry this forward to 2021.

We have decided to keep the same schedule for 2021 so if you have one – keep it! We have produced an insert which shows the new dates and the new Photography subjects as these were judged in 2020. This can be put in the existing schedule so that you can remember the dates. Both can be found on our Facebook page.

Last year the Vice Presidents elected Denis Bull to be the new President for 2020 and poor old Denis hasn’t managed to wear his bling for anything at all. So we have persuaded him to continue in his role as President for 2021 in the hope he will have more opportunities to wield his medallion. Behind the scenes we have been holding committee meetings via Zoom to keep things ticking over.

Anne and Mike Tuckwell are stepping down from the Committee this year. Chairman Peter thanked them for all the work that they have put in over the many years that they have been involved with the Society.

The Committee has decided that they should become Life Members in recognition of their service.

He concluded, saying “I think that this has been my longest Chairman’s Speech ever in a year where nothing happened!”

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


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