From the vicar’s pen May 2022

It seems that the three themes that dominate our lives now are: (1) Fear – fear of rising cost of living, fear of ongoing war, fear of illness, fear of the loss of loved ones, (2) Uncertainty – about what the future holds, (3) Impatience - we want to get on with things, to resume normal service and get back to our normal lives. These three themes reflected in the lives of the early disciples between Good Friday and the Ascension of Jesus too. (1) Fear - following the death of Jesus, (2) Uncertainty - about what did it all mean, what would the future hold? (3) Impatience - Jesus ascended into heaven but he told the disciples to stay where they were and do nothing until the time came.

I would suggest that the message and meaning of what happened between Good Friday and Ascension (26th May, this year) responds to each of these emotions. Firstly, the disciples fear was answered by the resurrection of Jesus, and by the words of Jesus to them – Peace be with you. Jesus speaks those same words to us today in our fear – Peace be with you; I am with you always to the end of the age. Secondly, their uncertainty was answered by Jesus’s resurrection and by his Ascension. In the end, evil had not had the last word and the crucified one had now ascended into heaven. Of course, there are still questions, there is still chaos and confusion around us but the one who was crucified now reigns in heaven at the father’s side, he is the sovereign Lord of all creation and he holds us in his hands. Thirdly, the disciples’ impatience and their desire to get on with things were answered by the promise of the spirit at Pentecost.

The disciples were given a new purpose, which was to share in God’s plan to reconcile all people to himself in Christ. I do believe that what is going on at present for all the sadness and chaos that it has brought represents a new opportunity and challenge to all of us as people of God to live out the good news of God in Christ - and to be witnesses in both word and deed - offering a new way of living to the people of our generation, a new way of living that accords with God’s reign of justice, peace, light, love and hope.

With my prayers and all good wishes, Godfrey

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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