Dying Matters Awareness Week 2nd-6th May 2022

Resources Fair Thursday 5th May 2022 12.30 – 4.30pm

An opportunity for individuals and organisations to open-up the important conversations around dying, death and bereavement

DYING MATTERS ... Which is why Dandelion Farewells (independent funeral director) has partnered with charities, suppliers and other professionals to bring you a unique ‘one stop’ Resources Fair to help inform, reassure and prepare you for the possibility of needing to arrange a funeral for yourself or a loved one.

The success of our ongoing community information events has highlighted important questions that people need answering. We are hosting this Fair to provide an opportunity for you to find out more, in an informal and relaxed setting. Light refreshments provided and free information will be available to take away with you. There are no elements to sign up or subscribe to, but there will be professionals and volunteers who will gladly and generously give their time to answer your questions, share their knowledge and afford you peace of mind. During the afternoon, we will share our ‘My Wishes, My Way’ presentation, 2-3pm in the Committee Room. This is a light-hearted, myth-busting, honest guide to providing an insight into the choices and costs around funerals.

There is no charge or requirement to book ahead. Dandelion Farewells is totally transparent and open about the processes, procedures and, indeed, myths which surround death and dying. We are passionate about educating the public so that they may be more informed and, therefore, empowered to make the arrangements most appropriate for them and their loved ones when someone dies.

Dandelion Farewells Website

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.




From the vicar’s pen May 2022