Update from Southwater WI

We’re back to normal!! Hooray! At least I hope we still are when this goes to print. It’s been a tough time for lots of people with Covid and all the misery it has inflicted. Hopefully we are moving forward towards regaining our equilibrium.

In March Alan’s talk certainly provoked some interesting questions and gave us all something to think about. April will see a talk about Bee Keeping from Claire and Richard Gibby along with the Queen Bees, Nic and Jo. Personally I can’t wait to find out more about this fascinating subject.

Then in May we have a talk on Sussex Search and Rescue with Jackie Deacon and a Defibrillator Demo with Nick Dowling. A double whammy! The first weekend in June sees the Queens Platinum Jubilee as we all know. Obviously the W.I. are planning for this! We’re not sure yet what exact form our contribution will take however I think it’s certain to include crafts.

At the moment we’re planning our input with the guidance of the Southwater Community Partnership. If you’re planning on coming to the events you’ll see us with our gazebo, although hopefully we won’t be holding it down in the wind as we were at the Christmas Festival! Don’t forget that you are always welcome to visit us on the last Wednesday of every month in the Village Hall at 7.30PM. Contact Southwater W.I. – southwaterwi@gmail.com

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


From the vicar’s pen May 2022


Clean up Your Cleaning