Update from the Southwater W.I. May 2022

By the time of going to print we will probably have had our talk about Bees from Nic and Jo which we’re very excited about and is certainly fitting for spring. Then in May we are looking forward to finding out about the Sussex Search and Rescue and using the Defibrillator.

Two for the price of one! June sees our annual picnic in the Country Park and as usual anyone who wants to pop along and check us out is welcome. We always have a good time. Sandwiched in between the May and June meetings is the Platinum Jubilee Celebration by the Ghyll. Our plans for this are beginning to take shape and hopefully lots of you will come and see us at our gazebo.

Fingers crossed for a nice day; I don’t know about you but I really fancy sunning myself instead of braving a gale as we did at Christmas. If you fancy seeing what we do there is always a warm welcome for you in the Village Hall on the last Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. (apart from June when we’ll be picnicking) Contact SouthaterWI@gmail.com

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


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