Notes from the Past.... By Robert Piper May 2022

Now spring ‘as sprung, back in 1892 the church reported that the Easter day offering raised £1-11-2 (RPI £210.90) towards the choir fund and £1-7-51/2 (RPI £189.94) for the needy in the village. In May 1902 the cricket club held a concert on the cricket pitch in aid of funding a new pavilion. It was hoped that members would bring family and friends at a cost of 2s for seated and 1s for standing. I n 1912 it was reported that only 10 boys were in the scout troup as the boys and their parents were only half-hearted in their interest.

The church would look into re-organising the patro. Everyone who came the ambulance classes passed and received a certificate from the Red Cross Society. The treasure Miss Hewlett said that they had raised £7-1-0 (RPI £856.82) The working party at Rascals received a letter from the Church of England home for waifs and strays, thanking them for the clothing and books etc.

On the 8th May 1942 Capt. C.A.L. Irvine OBE called a meeting to ask if the village would like to form a branch of the British Legion for ex-service men to meet after the war ended. Mr Chantler agreed to be treasurer. On the 15th May the WI held its monthly meeting at the old school, to discuss its coming of age (21s). Mrs Charman said they could use Great House Farm for the event. It was hoped that all current and past members would be able to attended on the 11th June. A whist drive was held in the village hall which raised £4 (RPI £200.53) to go the children’s sport fund in the village.

Mr Frank Tilley of New Buildings was fined 10s at Horsham court for driving his tractor on the road without a number plate and Mr Denyer of Southwater Street was fined 10s (RPI £25.07 ) with 4s (RPI £10.03) costs for breaking the black-out on his windows at his home. In May 1952 the vicar thanked the village for they donation of un-franked stamps which were sent back to the G.P.O and raised £6-15-6 (RPI £205.89) to go towards the church repair fund which stood at £508, (RPI 15,552.81).

The vicar said that the clergy are often accused of being inveterate beggars, but reminded them that it’s your church as well as mine. He closed by saying that he looked forward to the cricket and stool ball, but reminded members to draw stumps before 6.30pm so they can come to church. He thanked God for good, honest and we hope victorious games.

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

SHS Spring Show 2022


Update from the Southwater W.I. May 2022