News from Castlewood - New topics for a new term

The children from Castlewood are enjoying their new topics and have settled to work quickly this term.

Our reception class celebrated Chinese New Year and learnt about the Zodiac animals and the story behind how they were chosen. They have made their own dragon masks, which they wore at the Chinese New Year Party, where they tasted lots of Chinese food and practised some Chinese dance moves.

The work in Year 1 and 2 is centred around their Polar topic, Pole to Pole. They created some polar bear artwork from charcoal that they made themselves in the outdoor area.

Years 3 and 4 are busy on an “African Adventure” and have been using iPads to research areas of Africa in order to produce bright, informative, collaborative fact files.

Years 5 and 6 are focusing their studies around being “Citizens of the World”, using “The Boy from the Back of the Class” by Onjali Rauf as their main text, exploring local, national and worldwide issues.

As we go forward into March, the children will be playing in a variety of Football Cups and a Tag Rugby Tournament. We are looking forward to Book Week incorporating World Book Day on March 5th. Joshua Seigal, a poet and performer will be visiting us to work with the children to help them understand that poetry is about much more than simply reading and writing; it can also be about listening, watching, participating and enjoying!

This is a snapshot of Castlewood life, if you would like to see more, visits are welcomed - just phone us on 01403 734822 or email to arrange an appointment.

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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