Neighbourhood Wardens Community Events

Budgens and The Potters Pantry Food Project

In May we collaborated with Alpesh and Nim from Budgens and Lisa from The Potters Pantry to distribute £200.00 of food and essential items to families whose incomes had been adversely affected by Covid-19 and lockdowns. A big thank you to both Budgens and The Potters Pantry for their continued community support.

Bike Safety Checks and Security Marking

During the past year of Covid restrictions and lockdowns, our community events had to be put on hold, so it was really positive to get things moving again with this event for young cyclists in Southwater.

As part of Horsham District Council’s Safe Summer ’21 campaign, we had perfect weather in June for a successful Bike Safety Check and Security Marking event in collaboration with The Bike Side and PCSO Damian Cecil from Sussex Police. 15 of Southwater’s young residents brought their bikes to get safety checked and security marked ready for the summer holidays and Bikeability cycle training.

We look forward to more community events and projects over the summer months!

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

The Story of Horace Fuller - The First to Manufacture the Mechanical Seed Drill in the UK


Library Summer Reading Challenge