From the vicar’s pen June 2022

Platinum Jubilee Service and Celebrations

There will be a service in church on the 3rd June Friday at 3 pm to give thanks for the 70 years of Her Majesty the Queen’s reign, dedication and service. The church windowsills will be decotated by different local groups and organisations to show the many aspects and interests of Her Majesty’s life. All are welcome

Pentecost Sunday

5th June is also Pentecost Sunday. The book of Acts 1. 14 says that ‘the disciples of God in Christ joined together constantly in prayer’. Then the Holy Spirit of God came upon them. They started speaking in other languages and praising the amazing things that God had done. All that noise and commotion drew people’s attention – a crowd quickly gathered.

It maybe not as dramatic as what happened at Pentecost – but people do seem to be drawn by churches’ worship and mission even today. I’m delighted to say that a few people from the new homes have started worshiping God with us. Luke goes on to say in the book of Acts that following Pentecost, St Peter stepped up to proclaim what God had done through Jesus’ cross and resurrection. He also invited people to become part of what God was doing. It is the same message that has the power to catch people’s imaginations today – in this uncertain world.

We are invited to join in with God’s great plan to create a new humanity and a new kingdom. What could be more significant than being part of God’s mission and becoming a new creation?

Church Day Thanksgiving Service – 12th June 10.00 am

The Southwater Parish Church was consecrated on the 7th June 1850. There will be a special Church Day Celebratory service on the 12th June Sunday morning at 10.00 am. We will give thanks for God’s provision and the faithful mission and ministry for the past 172 years. All are welcome!

With my prayers and all good wishes,


Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

Notes from the Past June 2022


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