10 top tips to save you money

Rising living costs? Leanne from Cubitt & West in Southwater gives you her 10 top tips to save you money!

Most of us are being affected in one way or another by the rising cost of living. We’re being bombarded at all angles with energy price hikes, the rise in National Insurance contributions alongside the rise in the cost of general groceries. Even my mobile phone bill is going up!

So rather than writing a dry article about the housing market I thought it would be useful to bring together a few tips to help us all save money during this challenging period.

  1. Turn down your thermostat by 1 degree.

  2. Shop around and search for discounts using online voucher codes. Don’t just look at one website. I shopped around for a gift last week and managed to find one £20 cheaper.

  3. Turn off appliances at the plug when not in use – This can save you £30 a year on average.

  4. Wash laundry on lower temperatures. Better for your pocket and the planet.

  5. Short journeys? Walk rather than drive. Better for the environment and your health.

  6. Set a weekly or monthly budget and stick to it with planned meals and treats

  7. Review any debts; Look at switching to lower interest rates/consolidation.

  8. Look into tax relief and benefits that you may be entitled to that you are not aware of.

  9. Take advantage of current property prices by reviewing your house value and the equity within it. (Ask us for a free “no strings” valuation) It’s probably worth more than you think.

  10. Finally, do you have a fixed or variable mortgage? Did you know that by just reviewing your current mortgage you could save yourself £100s? One of our customers spoke to our mortgage specialist last week and he was able to reduce her monthly payments by £200 a month! So, it’s always worth exploring even if you are on a fixed rate.

Feel free to contact me on 01403 731 901 or pop into our central Lintot Square location for a chat.

Leanne, Cubitt and West

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.


From the vicar’s pen June 2022


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