Southwater Warden’s End of Year Roundup


2020 has proved to be a challenging year for all and as wardens we have had to adapt and change how we work.

COVID-19 Response

In preparation for the anticipated lockdown in March, we phoned 80 vulnerable Southwater residents to ascertain their needs regarding support, food and prescriptions. During the first three weeks of lockdown we assisted in the setup of the district-wide Community Hubs by phoning vulnerable residents, assessing and rag-rating their needs.


Over the past 12 months we have completed 603.75 hours of vehicle and 349.75 hours of foot patrol.

Polite Parking Notices

Whilst on patrol we monitor parking in Southwater and respond to residents who identify areas where parking is a problem. We have issued 114 parking notices to inform and educate drivers so that they will park in a more considerate manner.

Fulfords Hill (1).jpg


We work in partnership with the parish litter picker and over 40 local volunteers to reduce littering across the parish. This year we have either cleared or reported 402 incidents of litter. Since March we have found many discarded face masks and would encourage residents to use re-useable and washable face masks wherever possible to reduce the impact on the environment.


We have reported a total of 61 fly-tipping incidents for rapid removal on our daily patrols of rural areas (including Christs Hospital/Newfoundout).

For further information, we produce a detailed monthly report which is published on Southwater Parish Council website.

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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