Southwater Horticultural Society October Update

What a pleasure it was to see that though well-nigh desert conditions prevailed during the summer, the quality of the produce at the Summer Show was a triumph and the judges were very pleased to find that Southwater’s high standards had not slipped.

There were fewer entries than last year, but at that show we had amalgamated some sections from the missed Spring Show. There were a total of 159 entries, slightly more, in fact, than the comparable 2019 show. Luscious black grapes, superb tomatoes, wonderful dahlias, were just a few items of garden produce on view and of course there were serried ranks of jams and baked goodies! You can still see photos on our FaceBook page if you scroll down.

The winner of the 21 Cup for the Best Exhibit in the Show was Mrs Jenny Blythe for her outstanding floral art exhibit. The title of the class, “It’s All Leaves” was wonderfully interpreted and what at first glance looked like perfect roses were all cunningly formed from foliage.

Here are the rest of the cup winners:

Robert Piper took home a mantelpiece full of silver-wear, winning The Whitbread Cup, NFVPA Award, Over 60's Cup, Banksian Medal, Chairman's Cup and NVS Medal.

Richard Munford took the Chessal Cup and The Broad Cup.

Patricia Thorpe won The Gladys Wall Memorial Bowl and The Special Class Cup for a Fuchsia provided by the society as a plug in the Spring Show to grown on.

Jenny Blythe won the 21 Cup, The Agate Cup and The Decorative Cup which she shares with Anne Tuckwell.

Peter Buckley won The Potter and the Ansell Cups.

Jenny Ansell won the Willcocks Cup.

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

October update from Southwater WI


Southwater Local History Group October - Vintage Sussex