Magical Mystery Tour - SLHG

Here’s an idea for an Easter holiday walk with an added history quiz!

You can answer most of the questions as you go – the answers will be found at the Country Park Cafe or The Little Tea House in Lintot Square and also in next month’s issue.

No prizes but you could treat yourselves to a celebratory cuppa, perhaps! Your hunt begins on the Downs Link at the War Memorial.

1) Where did those big gates originally come from?

2) Continue to walk down the Downs Link to Cripplegate Lane. As you cross, you’ll see a high brick wall opposite on your right. Why is it there?

3) Continue walking east down Stakers Lane. Why is it called Stakers Lane? Just before the underpass you will find a footpath signed to your right. Take this path and you will come to the entrance to the Roman Lane housing estate.

4) Why is it called Roman Lane ? The answer to that will be found before you, together with many of your answers! You can then either continue along the path or walk through the estate. The path is narrow and very muddy after rain so it’s good to have the option! You’ll then come out at the Worthing Road.

5) Turn right towards Cripplegate Lane. What originally stood there? There are clues to be found in the name of the road, the name of the part of Worthing Road at this point, and even in front of one of the houses.

Continue up Worthing Road to the entrance to the Country Park. Here you can walk through the park to the Cafe or take the path behind the Dinosaur Playground and past the smaller fishing lake, coming back to the Worthing Road and the War Memorial, your start point. Enjoy your walk!

Monday 4th April 2022 – 7.30p.m. at The Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater. Speaker – Kathy Hall – “Petworth House”

Monday 2nd May 2022 – 7.30p.m. at The Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater. Speaker – Paul Hamlin – “Coolham Airfield ”

Parking is very restricted so we ask that you park in Lintot Square and walk up to the Hall. Please do not attend if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Contact Jeremy Senneck 01403 731247 for any further SLHG information.

Sam Cooper

Sam is an experienced technology writer, covering topics such as AI and industry news specialising in property and restaurants.

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